The weather live here in Lagundo/Algund
Weather in Lagundo/Algund near Merano/Meran: images and information
You can see what the weather is like in Lagundo/Algund near Merano/Meran in real time thanks to our webcam in Lagundo/Algund. You can already take a look at the weather situation in Lagundo/Algund before you arrive. You know exactly what to expect on your holiday then. If the weather should not be so good for once in Lagundo/Algund, you will still feel at home in our residence. Enjoy a day in your holiday apartment in South Tyrol and experience the benefits of wellness in Merano/Meran.
The weather today, 09.10.2024
Weather stabilisation
Weather situation
The disturbance will move away but more humid air masses will arrive from the south during the day.
The weather today
The clouds will also tend to thin out over the eastern sectors and the weather will be fairly sunny. In the course of the day, the cloudiness will tend to increase with new precipitation in the night.
© Landeswetterdienst Südtirol (* Available from approx. 11 am)